Drug Demand Reduction Roadmap 2030

The National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL), in partnership with the Asian Center for Drug Policy (ACDP) invites key stakeholders to contribute to the Drug Demand Reduction 2030 Roadmap through a two-part online workshop culminating on March 21, 2022 from 9:00 AM-12:00 NN.

Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) requires the collaboration from diverse disciplines and we hope your organization can join us in co-creating coherent science-based policies for the next eight (8) years.

Using the methodologies from Futures Thinking, this workshop aims to cultivate synergies and new partnership arrangements across sectors in order to serve Filipino clients better, especially the marginalized and at-risk populations. The objectives of the workshop are to:

  1. Catalyze the drafting of a transdisciplinary roadmap for Drug Demand Reduction 2030

  2. Cultivate co-ownership and co-creation of multi-year commitments across disciplines and between practitioners, academics, implementers, and policymakers, and

3. Initiate anticipatory measures to mitigate effects of negative disruptions in the DDR ecosystem.

*Background video for definition purposes only. This ACDP activity is not affiliated with ADB.

With this, we would like to invite up to 10 representatives from your organization to discuss themes specific to your profession/discipline during the first part of the workshop which will be held from 8-18 March 2022 from 4:00-6:00 PM via Zoom. Kindly refer to the attached schedule for the assigned date of your group.

On the other hand, the culminating workshop on 21 March 2022 will bring together representatives from various professions to weave together our recommendations and shape arrangements for presentation to the incoming administration. Attached is a concept note for your perusal. Details can also be found in the ACDP website, which can be accessed through the following link (www1.acdp.asia/ddr2030).

For questions or clarifications, kindly contact Ms. Mel Pagaduan, Secretariat/ACDP, at 09459732189 or email us at ops37@civika.com.


Workshop Part 1 – Intra-sectoral Workshops

Guide Questions:

During the pre-workshop, we will be discussing the following themes:

1. Technologies and trends might disrupt the practice of your profession/discipline by 2030(artificial intelligence, another pandemic, globalizing professional services, etc.)

2. Best and worst scenarios for academe-gov’t-private sector collaboration 2030

3. Scenarios of extraordinary client/patient experience for middle and low-income Filipinos by 2030

Schedule of Intra-sectoral Workshops:

Professional and Stakeholder Associations

Government Partners

Academic Partners

Date of Part 1 Workshop -

March 8 10am-12nn https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtcOurqDMjHNTlePW75uLlgevaQnZ-T-en

● Dangerous Drugs Board

● Department of Interior and Local Government

March 8 4-6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAudeqqrzMuH9PIkx73QHq5JF-LEqNrbUpP

● Asian Center for Drug Policy

● Department of Science and Technology

● Dangerous Drugs Board

● National Academy of Science and Technology

March 9 4-6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvd-CprDwrGdSGT9Wg1eUZ4nhkNB4sVx57

● Psychological Association of the Philippines

● Philippine Psychiatric Association

● Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association

● Commission on Higher Education

Association of Medical Schools

March 10 4-6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odOutrTwoGdBUhbrqW0G2RTv11Xi84vI2

● Philippine Medical Association

● Philippine Nurses Association

● Department of Health

Association of Deans of Nursing Schools

Association of Medical Schools

March 15 - 4-6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcOCtqT8jE9X5V0D-E1jm1OV4k4VIRAt2

● Philippine Association of Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities

● Department of Education

● Commission on Higher Education

● Association of Catholic Schools

March 16 4-6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldOirrT4sEty7X6mVsCG8dM7Mh6gYfqGn

● National Association of Social Workers

● Department of Social Welfare and Development

● Association of Social Work Educators

March 17 4-6pm https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0td-mhqjItE9P-pFYf704UgN6hyOCGLqVl

● Association of Persons Deprived of Liberty

● Department of Justice

● Integrated Bar of the Philippines

Summary of Policy and Research Gaps ACDP.pptx